Thinking How

Happy Sunday,  dear reader.

I hope you’ve had a good weekend.  If it hasn’t been that great,  then perhaps next weekend will be? It’s a very late evening post from myself today.

I witnessed an event yesterday that started my thinking down a different route this evening.  It was an emergency, and thankfully, they came through it.

I had considered concluding this Daily Blog, as I seemed to have lost the habit of actually posting daily. This evening, however,  it’s dawned on me that I’m being told what to think – most of us are. I think in part that this is human nature. When we think we’re right, we tell others what we think we know. Then, there are attempts to control what the population thinks by the media and advertisers.

What’s starting in my mind is that I want to know how to think, not told what to think. This blog might need a fresh perspective. In fact, I’m finding it such a relief to understand that there are other ways to look at information rather than just trying to figure out if something is correct or incorrect.  The amount of information we have to consciously process each day is hard enough without having to work out if every piece of it is right or wrong.

Instead, I can most likely start avoiding anything that is telling me what to think and take in the things that ask questions rather than presenting information as something I just need to like or lump.

Thank you for reading.

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