Learning From Witchcraft

Hello, and happy Saturday, dear reader.

It’s another late post from me, but better late than never.

I had a good day yesterday, I dressed up in a red summers dress and wore a red fascinator. I celebrated my art exhibition, which I hadn’t been able to do since it opened.

I think I’ve gained some insight into to the way I live that may not be so helpful over the weekend. However, it’s easy to think “well I must be the problem,” and blame yourself for things that might actually be out of your control.

The practice of witchcraft which I’m learning about is providing perspective. For instance there is a banishing spell I have been using that seems to work wonders for my frame of mind. It consists of writing the thing you want to banish down on paper, and bring your awareness to it, being mindful of your intention. Placing the piece of paper in a flame proof bowl, you then set it alight, keeping it away from other flammable items, pets, and children. Once the paper is ash, you then discard the ashes away from your home or as far away as you can, as soon as possible. I’ve done this spell a few times for various different things I want to banish, and I always feel relief in my mind. It does provide a sense of control over the way I feel. I’ve also noticed strong visions of the paper burning after I’ve scattered the ashes, as though a reminder of what I want and need.

I need to bring back my focus to my work and what I intended to do, to get back on track. The last few weeks have taken up a lot of my energy, but I aim to claim it back.

Thank you for reading, and have a great weekend..

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